**Note price increase as of January 8, 2023**
Glenview Cemetery questions and arrangements are handled in the Finance Office at the Municipal Building, at 85 North Market Street. The telephone number is 330-426-4367, Extension 19. Glenview rules and prices are listed below.
- Visitation hours: dawn to dusk
- Burials: Monday through Friday, until 3:00 p.m. Saturday until 12 Noon; Any other hours must be approved in advance by the Village.
- Foundations: Installed by monument company or other entity following specifications of the Village. Inspection approval by the Village.
- No interments allowed by lot owner for remuneration. No transfer of assignment of use of lot or interest therein permitted except transfer to the Village in the form of a Deed of Reconveyance.
- No disinterment permitted without approval of the Village and upon written order of the lot owner. Disinterment may be made by the Village only.
- Lot enclosures of any kind are prohibited.
- Cornerstones must be set flush with sod.
- Only flat markers are permitted in the flat marker section of the cemetery.
- New sections established by the Village will give the lot owners the option of upright headstones, not to exceed 70% of the lot or grave. All monuments and parts of vaults above ground shall be of granite, rock or chiseled finish. No metallic monuments or grave markers will be permitted. No trees within the lot or bordered shall be cut own or destroyed without the consent of the Village. Footstones will be permitted flush to ground mount only.
- The Village has the right to enter lot and remove trees or shrubs on lot where roots and branches have become detrimental to adjacent lot or avenue, unsightly, or inconvenient to passengers.
- The Village has the right to remove any monument, effigy or enclosure determined to be offensive or improper, or injurious to the appearance of surrounding lots or grounds.
- No “For Sale” signs permitted on lots.
- A written order from the lot owner is required for interment.
- One interment per grave or crypt. Only exceptions are a mother and infant child or twins under ten (10) years of age buried at the same time. Two or more interments of cremated remains will be allowed together but no more than three interments per lot.
- Scattering of cremated remains over cemetery or specific lot is not permitted.
- Entrance to every lot must remain unobstructed.
- Entrance sills, enclosures, beds of stones or pebbles, concrete, metal or plastic hedges, shrubs, posts, bars, chains or rails are not permitted on graves or plots. Grave mounds are prohibited.
- Spring and summer decorations are permitted on graves from April 1 through October 15. Fall and winter decorations are permitted on graves from November 1 through March 15. All flowers and decorations at the cemetery must be removed by March 15th or they will be discarded.
Cost of Graves:
- Residents Who Live Within the East Palestine Village Limits, One Grave Space: $700.00
- Non-residents, One Grave Space: $800.00
Interment Fees:
- Grave, Monday-Friday: $900.00
- Grave, Saturday: $950.00
- Grave, Sunday and Holidays: $1000.00
- Cremation, Monday-Friday: $450.00
- Cremation, Saturday: $500.00
Cremation Sunday and Holidays: $550.00.
Disinterment Fee:
Double the interment charge
**Any checks or ACH payments returned to the Village for non sufficient funds will be charged a fee of $40
For information regarding the Catholic Cemetery, please contact Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, 200 East Main Street, East Palestine, Ohio 44413. Telephone: 330-426-9346.
Pioneer Boatman Memorial Cemetery was begun in the late 1700’s and was dedicated in 1976 to Barnerd Boatman, a Revolutionary War soldier, who served with General George Washington. It was formerly known as “The Old Cemetery”, “Quaker Cemetery”, “Old East Palestine Cemetery” and “The Presbyterian Cemetery”. It had been abandoned for many years when Barnerd Boatman’s grave was found. It was once the graveyard of “The Calvanistic Meeting House”, the first church in East Palestine. There are about 194 known burials in the cemetery that are listed on one side of a permanent memorial marker. On the other side are names of 21 veterans of 4 wars: the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican War and the Civil War. Burial records have not been found. The permanent marker was erected in 1990 by the American Legion, Post 31, of East Palestine. Restoration began in 1989 by Margaret Meek Travis and Kathryn Bauknecht. In 1994 the Boatman Cemetery Memorial Association was formed Restoration continues as donations are received. The cemetery is listed on the Ohio Historic Inventory of Cemeteries.